Precious gem

love gem

As the horizon can be seen far from a distance so does my thoughts of you
Day, afternoon and night my mind goes restless as it remembers our times together.
My thoughts are filled with you
My unrest heart jumps every Time it hears and sees your name
I wonder what you have done to have me so
The iron wall that had surrounded my heart for so long had come crumbling down in a matter of seconds.
To think that I would have found myself in such situation, it’s quite laughable
For the uncaring has turn into a caring soul
Suffering in silence as it fears tomorrow.
What will it bring, what obstacles will stand in the way?
What could destroy this precious gem?
Love as they called it, is a precious gem
Rare to be found and seen
Yet once found is worth a thousand death
My heart and soul is out in the open
Try as I might, the strength to keep it hidden has vanished.
Longing to see tomorrow yet fearful of it
My only hope is to hope
My only wish is to pray
My only desires is to hold on as tight as possible
But when we hold something too tight it is bound to break
So my only option is to live the best way I know how
To create memories as much as I can
To breathe in your scent as much as I can
To feel the warmth of your skin against mine as much as I can
To look you in the eyes and be mesmerized as much as I can
To watch you smile, sad, angry and happy as much as I can.
For no matter what tomorrow holds, the graveyards of our memories will be what remain.

Written by:B.Claire Bijou

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